An Overview of Fire Breaks in the Perth Hills


Frebreaks in the Perth Hills should be positioned so that they occupy the majority of preferred outcomes. As with every situation, there has to be a balance between the perfect firebreak location, fencing needs, soil conservation, cost and practicality.

Therefore, the firebreak should be positioned so that it either stops lower intensity fires, provides a back burn buffer from where the burning can be undertaken or offers access to vital infrastructure or other valuable areas.

Fires in the bush travel quicker uphill than downhill. Therefore, it is better to position firebreaks lower down and, whenever possible, arrange them so that they run parallel with the contour. If the firebreak crosses the contour, the probability of erosion is greater and steps must be taken to reduce the erosion danger.

The location of Firebreaks for Perth Hills properties should accomplish four objectives:

  1. Offer lower fuel zones or mineral earth breaks, so that unexpected fires cannot enter properties – i.e. an external threat safeguard break.

  2. Offer lower fuel zones or mineral earth fire breaks, so that unexpected fires can not spread elsewhere – i.e. an internal threat safeguard.

  3. Ensure that prescribed burns cannot leave the designated area for burns – i.e. a specified burn boundary.

  4. Offer access to vital land areas, so that measures to suppress fires can be implemented – i.e. an allocated back burning border.

Edge Landworks will ensure your property is as safe as possible and complies with local bush fire regulations. Contact us today to fine out more or to arrange a FREE quote.


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What Exactly is a Fire Break?