Perth Land Clearing Services
With our cutting edge machinery & equipment, our land clearing techniques are more eco friendly & smarter.
While traditional land clearing involves stripping off top soil leaving dry & dusty sand, Edge Landworks grounds down the natural vegetation with our eco mulcher. We transform natural vegetation into a layer of environmentally friendly mulch, conditioning the soil and minimising dust. We also ensure we do not mulch invasive or noxious species, reducing the spread of unwanted species on your property. We provide land clearing services to both residential and commercial properties.
Our land clearing services include
Eco mulching, land maintenance, BAL ratings, fire breaks, vegetation control, asset protection, site preparation and bushfire mitigation.
Eco Mulching
Utilising the latest in mulching technology. Find out why so many property owners are turning to eco mulching.
Bushfire Mitigation
Effective land clearing that ensures your property is safe & ready for bushfire season and complies with council regulations.
Contact us to find out more or to arrange a FREE on-site quote.